Chris Collins -
Congratulations. I am very proud of you.
All of the efforts of both you and your mother have finally paid off. You now stand here a man, capable of controlling your own destiny. (and MAN is that a scary thought!)
I have an opinion I wish to share with you that stems from my childhood and how I’ve been able to exercise some control over my own life and destiny.
I have found this world to really be a “survival of the fittest” kind of place. If you think about it, I know I have, that’s not a very attractive idea. First of all, it means that someone who is “fit” must mean he is attractive, intelligent, confident, charming, ambitious and courageous.
I have come to terms with myself and I know that I am not the most attractive bunny in the playgirl magazine. My intelligence comes and goes, don’t get me wrong, I have my moments but they are few. Confidence? No. I am far from confident. I constantly second guess my own decisions and I do not take criticism very well.
Charm? Hmph. I can pull of charm but it’s only a matter of seconds before one can see through my lackluster brand of charm. Ambition I lack, sorely. I define myself as a creature of comfort so I have no deep seeded desire to go out and earn as much money as humanly possible. And I am not courageous. I have my moments there too, but they are few.
So how do I get by in life, knowing I have not even ½ the major characteristics to attract mangled animal carcass, let alone a decent, attractive member of the opposite sex, (or the same sex, heck, I’m not picky)?
Well, okay, maybe I am picky. Anyways…
My super secret mutant power is… kindness. You know all too well how “kind” I can, or how “kind” I try to be. Let’s not even include how I’ve helped you and your mom (and to be fair, you guys have helped me out plenty of times in return). I’ve tried to be there to help so many people in my life I can’t count. Harry, Lisa, Robin, Chuck, My parents, Jenn, Teri, most students you can think of, My best friend Mike, his wife and kids, O.J. & Lena, Karen & her family, Sherri and her family, there are too many to list.
Chris, I am not a very special guy. I mean, I AM, but I’m not. What I mean is, what makes me special is my constant endeavors to help people whether their needs are great or small. Whether I’m lending money, doing physical labor for, or simply just lending an ear. This is what separates me from the rest. That’s my secret.
There are so many idiots, @holes, selfish, gluttonous, self-centered, egotistical little black holes running around, sucking up the life and positive energy from everyone around them, oblivious to the damage they cause that they are like a mass of black goo thrown up on a wall. And on that wall, by trying to go against the grain, by trying to be the one to offer the shirt off my back to help anyone in need, I stand out like a white blip of difference.
If you can’t make a difference with attraction, charm, confidence, ambition, courage or intellect then you have to find a way. If you find that way, whatever the way that works best with you, when you finally feel a sense of self worth, then that’s the day you have truly become a man.
Chris, congratulations on graduating from high school. Now is your time to go forth and walk the path. Your journey will be difficult. Everyone’s journey is difficult. Know that I am here for you with whatever questions you have, challenges you face and tragedies you must endure.
Know that you are not alone.
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